Health Program
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
There is a divergence of ideas on the Web about what improves your health. Most sites will simply flood the public with often contradictory information that seemingly changes with each breaking news story without ever bothering to connect the dots.
The Natural Health Perspective has developed this quick and dirty Health Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list to clarify in black and white where we stand on the issues.
When it comes to figuring out the mysteries of health, definition is everything. In order to minimize the public's confusion over what we are talking about, be sure to study our Natural Health and Wellness Glossary.
Then check out our Top Ten Good Health Tips.

Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the requirements for experiencing the benefits of Natural Health?
- What segment of the population is your health program targeted at?
- How important is knowing your family history?
- What is your position on the source of important nutrients for your body?
- For good health, what should you eat?
- Are you in favor of homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Chinese, or herbal medicines?
- Is supplementing with vitamin C important?
- Is supplementing with vitamin E important?
- Should you take herbs to strengthen your immune system?
- How do you deal with excess stress in your life?
- How do you treat a serious illness?
- What causes people to gain weight?
- What causes anyone to get fat?
- Are microwave ovens safe to use?
- What do you recommend for a periodic detox?
- What do you recommend for a periodic colon cleanse?
- What is the importance of eating Organic to good health?
- How much does heavy metal contamination adversely affect your health?
- What is your position on vaccines?
- How do you maintain a high quality of life?
- What is your position on water fluoridation?
- What is your dietary position on:
- on Low-Fat diets?
- on an ALL raw food diet?
- on Food Combining?
- on Nutritional Type or Blood Type Diets?
- the dairy food group?
- eating fish?
- eating grains?
- the meat food group?
- drinking milk?
- on soy?
- How do you avoid catching:
- How do you prevent:
Three Basic Health Tips for Wellness
The 3 Steps to Wellness
What are the requirements for experiencing the benefits of Natural Health? -- You must have a healthy and fully functioning digestive track.
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What segment of the population is your health program targeted at? -- Our Web site is targeted at a specific audience, namely the older adult who is interested in learning more about natural health. We offer good information that can benefit the NORMAL healthy mature adult population.
Our information NEVER applies to any Pregnant Female, Infant, Child, or Teenager straight out of the box. Nor, does it apply to any individual who has some type of serious ABNORMAL condition, such as Celiac Disease or Diabetes.
While there is every reason to believe that living a healthy lifestyle would permanently cure many different lifestyle diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, for liability reasons everyone is required to first check with a health care professional of their choice as to how our information might affect their own unique situation before making any radical changes in their life. This advice especially applies to anyone under the care of a physician, or in a sensitive stage of their life, such as being pregnant, or caring for infants.
It should surprise nobody that what is best for a growing child is radically different from what is recommended for the mature adult who is trying to survive old age.
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How important is knowing your family history? - Since good health is all about lifestyle, the value of your family history is close to zero. Less than one percent of all diseases are due to genetics. Further, genetic related diseases usually show up long before you turn 45 years old. Since the Natural Health Perspective is a health rather than a medical Web site all of our health advice centers around maximizing longevity and avoiding lifestyle diseases rather managing long standing genetic diseases. Any apparent health similarities among the same family members are due to them sharing similar behavior patterns or lifestyles over a substantial period of time.
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What is your position on the source of important nutrients for your body?
- The Natural Health Perspective believes that the credo of natural health is, Let food be thy medicine. Hence, the first choice should always be eating a healthy whole food diet.
- Nutritional supplements have the advantage of being generally less expensive than food. For many people, eating a healthy whole food diet is easier said than done. Hence, supplements can be used to supplement a less than perfect diet. Supplements are preferable in the following order.
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Amino acids (which are components of proteins) and essential fatty acids (which are particular types of fat, such as fish oil or omega-3 EFAs)
- Hormones (Vitamin D, technically is a hormone)
- Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables that have been thoughly cleaned produces a nutrient rich cocktail of vitamins and minerals. In effect, juicing is a more expensive food-based alternative to supplements that are easily absorbable, even for those individuals with digestion problems.
Your body is NEVER deficient in vaccines, antibiotics, toxic metals (such as colloidal silver), or medication of any type. Where unavoidable, prescription medication should only be taken on a temporary basis until you are able to get better by living a healthy lifestyle, alone.
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Are you in favor of homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Chinese, or herbal medicines? -- NO, we are against all use of medicines in the long run, whether they be prescription medication, homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Chinese, or herbal. The Natural Health Perspective is about what else: Natural Health, where lifestyle is absolutely everything. Let food be thy medicine, is our motto.
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Is supplementing with vitamin C important? -- YES. Avoiding vitamin C insufficiency is ubiquitous to good health. While most mammals make their own ascorbic acid, primates do NOT. Therefore, man has to get his C either from his diet, or from supplementation.
Vitamin C by itself can cure gum disease. Regular supplementation with vitamin C is great for maintaining pink gums, and improves overall muscle health. Remember that your heart is a muscle. While vitamin C often is linked to avoiding the common cold, other nutrients do a much better job of preventing colds. While mega dosing with C, is good for treating illness; healthy individuals can safely get by with far less. Taking 250 mg of vitamin C (i.e., a 500 mg tablet split in half) with each meal, and one dose at bedtime is more than enough to stay healthy.
Vitamin C is the ONLY water soluble vitamin that should be taken multiple times during the day.
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Is supplementing with vitamin E important? -- YES. Either you are going to meet your vitamin E needs by regularly eating a lot of nuts (such as almonds), or you will have to supplement. If you do NOT eat nuts, then supplement with 200 IU of mixed natural vitamin E, daily. In addition, be sure to supplement with the super antioxidant astaxanthin, which recycles both vitamin E and C.
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Should you take herbs to strengthen your immune system? -- NO. Compared to our recommended vitamin protocol these herbs do NEXT to nothing to prevent the common cold.
Food is the best source for all nutrition. Accordingly, the Natural Health Perspective recommends that people take as few nutritional supplements as possible. Everyone should put their money into supplements that offer the biggest bang for the buck. In other words, Echinacea and Oil of Oregano should be considered a natural health scam.
If you ever tried supplementing with all the herbs that might offer some benefit, you would end up popping 50 different pills a day, which in our opinion would be totally ludicrous.
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What is your Primary defense against age-related cancer? -- Since vitamin D insufficiency promotes age-related cancer, you should supplement with approximately 5,000 IU a day of vitamin D-3. Vitamin D prevents cancer by targeting cell membranes and especially the inter-cellular adhesion of all cells in the human body.
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What is your Secondary defense against age-related cancer? -- Since selenium insufficiency promotes age-related cancer, you should supplement with approximately 200 mcg a day of the mineral selenium.
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What is your Tertiary defense against age-related cancer? -- Since exercise has a suppressive effect upon age-related cancer development, you should be physically active and engage in a sensible physical exercise program.
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What is your Quaternary defense against age-related cancer? -- The goal is to make sure that you are not iodine insufficient. If you are not suffering from goiter, you are halfway there. Supplement, at most, with iodide between 300 and 500 mcg a day.
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What is your Quinary defense against age-related cancer? -- Since magnesium insufficiency promotes some types of age-related cancer, such as prostate and pancreatic cancer, you should supplement with approximately 100 mg of magnesium citrate, four times a day, or with each meal and before bedtime.
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What is your Senary defense against age-related cancer? -- Cook your food with anti-cancer food spices; like turmeric, rosemary, ginger, and cumin.
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What is your defense against age-related prostate cancer? -- Our cancer prevention strategies work against all forms of cancer, including prostate. Magnesium has been shown effective against even deadly high-grade prostate cancer. Nevertheless, a few caveats apply. Those who smoke, drink excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, eat excessive amounts of meat, supplement with testosterone, human growth hormone, and / or other growth factors; might be flirting with losing all the lifesaving anticancer properties of vitamin D.
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What is the importance of eating Organic to good health? -- While no one should unnecessarily expose themselves to toxins, good health starts in the kitchen, rather than at the food market. In other words, acquiring good cooking skills is more important than claiming to eat organic.
Why? There is nothing complicated about this fundamental truth. You wont eat what does NOT taste good. And, that my friend requires good cooking skills. Nobody can simply buy good health.
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How much does heavy metal contamination adversely affect your health? -- While you should always consume whole foods, such as rice, with the least amount of contamination from toxins; heavy metals are NOT usually responsible for poor health. The problem, of course, is that you will rarely know anything about the heavy metal content of your food, nor does buying organic offer any protection.
Outside of living in a home contaminated with lead paint, for example, or in a community suffering from major industrial pollution, such as with hexavalent chromium, heavy metal contamination of food should normally be a minor concern. Poor health is always caused by lifestyle choices. Living constantly paranoid about what you eat is a life wasted. Furthermore, your body will naturally detoxify heavy metal contamination as long as you consume plenty of fiber and pure water in your diet.
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For good health, what should you eat? -- A primarily plant-based diet, compatible with the Western food palate, which provides for some fish and meat, as well as fat and oils. Do NOT eat any foods that disagree with you.
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How do you avoid catching a communicable disease, the common cold, flu, influenza, the West Nile Virus, H1N1, or any other pandemic virus scare? -- Supplement with approximately 5,000 IU of vitamin D-3, 50 mg of vitamin B-3 (i.e., nicotinamide), and 25 mg of zinc gluconate every day, as well as 20,000 IU of vitamin A once a week.
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How do you prevent chronic infections? -- Supplement with 20,000 IU of vitamin A, once a week. Plus, you should take 25 mg of zinc gluconate, daily.
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How do you prevent heart disease? -- Beyond eating a healthy plant-based diet, minimizing inflammation by supplementing with at least 4 mg of astaxanthin every day is more important than lowering cholesterol levels.
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How do you prevent hardening of the arteries (i.e., arteriosclerosis / atherosclerosis)? -- Supplement with 200 mcg of menaquinone-7 (MK7), daily, a specific form of vitamin K-2; while simultaneously limiting the amount of calcium and magnesium supplementation to just 500 mg of each, daily.
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Do you recommend a Low-Fat diet? -- YES, but consuming one calorie out of every three as fat should hardly be considered a fat deprived diet, by anyone. In no way do we advocate any kind of a dietary extreme. Fish and meat, as well as fat should be a healthy part of any diet.
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Do you advocate eating an ALL raw food diet? -- NO, but eating some raw foods is a healthy part of our diet recommendations.
- On top of the list would be our support of natural raw juicing.
- Fruits and vegetables eaten raw as a snack provides your body with healthy nutrition.
- Eating an ALL raw food diet periodically, in order to detox naturally.
Do you advocate Food Combining? -- NO, the Natural Health Perspective considers Food Combining, as advocated by Harvey Diamond in his Fit for Life Book, to be total nonsense.
In addition, meals need NOT always be alkaline. No matter what you eat or consume your body will adjust the PH of your body automatically to what it wants, through a process called homeostasis.
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Do you advocate Nutritional Type or Blood Type Diets? -- NO, the Natural Health Perspective does NOT accept the validity of different Nutritional Types (such as Protein, Carb, or Mixed types) or Blood Type (such as A, AB, B, and O types) Diets.
However, we do recognize the existence of SUGAR sensitive individuals; for which we recommend our Modified Diet. These people do better on a higher protein diet, on a temporary basis.
« Back to Top | | More »"Persons with known coronary-artery disease, high triglycerides blood levels, diabetics, extremely obese individuals, or those suffering from Syndrome-X are likely to be sensitive to sugars in their diet."
What do you recommend for a periodic detox? -- We recommend eating a 100% raw food diet for one or two weeks, while drinking plenty of pure water.
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What do you recommend for a periodic colon cleanse? -- We recommend drinking fresh raw Green cabbage juice, up to three times in a single day. You should plan on staying home the entire day, or at least be near a bathroom.
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What is your position on vaccines? -- We are generally against vaccines and excessive vaccinations for children and annual flu shots for senior citizens.
In fact, a flu vaccination is NOT recommended at all for anyone. Every vaccination is an assault against the human brain, which over a lifetime could conceivably result in autism in young children and Alzheimer's disease for older adults.
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How do you maintain a high quality of life? -- Be physically active and engage in a sensible physical exercise program.
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Are microwave ovens safe to use? -- Yes, when used intelligently.
The number one rule is avoid super-heating food, at all costs.
Always microwave food in Pyrex glass containers.
Learn how to use the features on your microwave oven. Microwave ovens are for heating water for tea, as well as for reheating previously cooked food at a low-power setting. Microwaving both baked beans and more watery eggplant at the #3 low-power setting for a total of three minutes resulted in a food temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 Cecilius), while the glass dish got as hot as 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 Cecilius). Extending the cooking time to five minutes did NOT appreciably raise food temperatures. Cooking old fashioned rolled oats soaking in water at maximum power for two minutes produced a foaming gooey mixture of hot oatmeal with a food tempearature of 190 degrees Fahrenheit (88 Cecilius).
These temperatures are well within the safe moist cooking specifications of being below the boiling point. If you find this hard to believe, then buy an instant read thermometer and do your own food testing.
Avoid microwaving dairy and especially breast-milk or infant formula, 100%.
Steaming vegetables, like broccoli, will always offer a higher nutritional content. Slow cookers, also, offer better nutritional content when cooking tougher vegetables and meat.
WARNING: Microwaving will deactivate vitamin B-12.
Ergo, avoid cooking meat and fish in your microwave. In fact, it is best to just reheat foods previously cooked on a low-heat setting. Reheated leftovers are generally expected to have a lower nutritional content then freshly cooked food.
In other words, Use your brain and don't ever superheat your food in a microwave oven for the best nutritional content, by using a low-heat setting.
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What is your position on eating grains? -- Bulk brown rice and old fashion rolled oats are just about the ONLY commercially produced whole grain products that passes as being good for your health.
Unless it is homemade WHEAT-based baked goods, all commercially produced WHEAT-based grain products are junk food that should be avoided. Homemade WHEAT whole grains, or those purchased from a trusted health food store, can be a healthy part of your diet, unless you have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, or a gluten allergy.
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What is your position on drinking milk? -- Drinking milk is NOT recommended, even if it is raw milk.
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What is your position on the dairy food group? -- Dairy (i.e., milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese) is viewed as a vice whose consumption should be minimized. Adults should be limiting their diary consumption to minimal amounts of eggs and cheese. Yogurt could be a healthy exception, if you can stomach fermented foods. See our position on drinking milk.
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What is your dietary position on eating fish? -- Eating cold-water fatty fish is a requirement for good health for their Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid, mineral, and vitamin B-12 content. Eat 2 to 3 servings a week of fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, albacore tuna), using any cooking method other than frying or microwaving.
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What is your position on the meat food group? -- The consumption of red or white meat is viewed as a vice whose consumption should be minimized. While excessive meat consumption is linked to many different health risks, some meat in your diet is required for its vitamin B-12 and other animal nutrient related content.
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What is your position on soy? -- Soy cannot be consumed by man at all unless it is first heavily processed. The consumption of soy outside of Japan is NOT recommended since it adversely affects thyroid function in many people.
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What causes anyone to get fat? -- The consumption of excess added sugar, which is often in the form of High-Fructose Corn Syrup, and especially sugary-based beverages, is more correlated to obesity than total calories consumed.
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What is your Primary defense against Alzheimer's disease? -- Get between 7 and 8 hours of high quality sleep, every night.
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What is your Secondary defense against Alzheimer's disease? -- Avoid getting an Annual Flu Shot at all costs, as well as avoiding as many vaccinations as possible. Every vaccination is an assault against the human brain.
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What is your Tertiary defense against Alzheimer's disease? -- Be actively engaged with your life and be sure to use your brain in mentally challenging activities every day.
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What is your Quaternary defense against Alzheimer's disease? -- Since exercise has a suppressive effect upon age-related dementia, you should be physically active and engage in a sensible physical exercise program.
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What is your Quinary defense against Alzheimer's disease?--
Cook your food with turmeric food spice.
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How do you deal with excess stress in your life? -- Geting a good night's sleep every night is the starting point of stress management.
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What is your position on water fluoridation? -- We are against the fluoridation of public water supplies.
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How do you treat a serious illness? -- Vitamin A can be effective against internal infections, serious communicable diseases with a high-temperature fever, bacteria-based illness, and virus-based diseases. In emergency situations, taking therapeutic dosages of vitamin A can be effective. You should bear in mind, that proactively protecting yourself against communicable diseases, should make the therapeutic use of vitamin A rarely, if ever necessary.
Other additional follow ups in the event of prolong illness would be taking high oral dosages of vitamin C, up to bowel tolerance, as well as up to 3 grams a day of nicotinamide (vitamin B-3).
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