Natural Weight Loss
The Natural Health Perspective takes an amazingly easy approach to natural weight loss.
Introducing Natural Weight Loss - The Obesity Cure
- Fructose - An American Crisis
- Added Sugar - An International Crisis
- All Calories Are NOT the Same
- Lose Your Sweet Tooth
- Carbs Are Not a Dirty Word
- The Growing Obesity Epidemic

With the Natural Health Perspective's ZERO SUGAR diet, all excess body fat will literately melt off you in the matter of a few months naturally without anyone experiencing hunger pains or going through major amounts of additional exercise. Our recommended exercise program consists of walking just ten minutes a day. Nor, are any special dietary supplements of any kind required.
Weight Loss Program
- Beverages - The Primary Cause of Weight Gain
- For those interested in losing over a 100 pounds, in just 60 days, you should seriously consider juice fasting. The Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead film documents how anyone can lose major amounts of body fat with natural juicing.
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