Natural Health Editorials
Looking at the top Web sites on natural health in Google; I see Natural Health Magazine, Natural News, Mother Earth News, and Mercola. Several of them are primarily NOT even about natural health.
They are publishing articles about a variety of topics in order for them to place well in Google. Mother Earth News is a rather old established subscription based magazine that originally was about homesteading. Looks like to me that they added a section on natural health merely as an after thought. Natural News offers a lot of videos and articles about politics. Natural Health Magazine is a major commercial subscription based magazine that in the eyes of many currently contains very little genuine natural health information. Mercola wants to be number one and distributes a major natural health newsletter.
Commenting is Now Enabled
Just like a Blog, you can now posts comments at the extreme bottom of each article.
Everybody Recommends Something Different
Why is it that everybody on the Web makes different and often conflicting recommendations on health?
Smart People Get Their Blood Tested
One very effective way of listening to your body is to periodically take an appropriate blood test.

In the eyes of Google at least, this relatively tiny Natural Health Perspective site is not very far behind these major contenders in the natural health field.
It is, thus, about time that the Natural Health Perspective started offering what I am actually very good at: Writing satire and commentary on articles written by other people on other natural health sites. In addition, I will be offering opinion pieces on various natural health related topics.
Why Bother With An Annual Medical Check Up?
Visiting your physician every year for an annual checkup does not keep your healthy.
More Editorials on Natural Health
Death By Medicine - Just Say No!
- Conventional medicine is the leading cause of death in the United States as well as in Europe.
Food Paranoia Over Toxins Self-Implodes
- Everyone should obtain health by eating a healthy whole-diet.
Neatly Wrapping Up 2013
- Here is what happened during on the Natural Health Perspective during 2013.
Implications of Iodine to the Evolution of Mankind
- Humans evolved on inland levels of iodine.
Open Access Journals Are Good
- Reading complete research papers is a good way to gain more confidence in your health decisions.
Is Vitamin A, a Vitamin D Antagonist?
- Do NOT take vitamin D supplements along with vitamin A.
Oncology Wants To Become Bona Fide
- A relatively new movement in oncological circles to redefine cancer has the potential to become a landmark event.
2012 - The Year in Review
- Did you miss the Health Revolution that took place last year?
Old at Age 27?
- Our S.A.D. is killing our youth.
A Culture of Lies & Fear Mongering
- People should NOT blindly trust anything that they read, hear, or see in America.
Life Is Messy: Time to Grow Up
- Just because you pay through the nose for "clean" organic food, does NOT automatically mean that you will actually receive clean food.
Midnight Movie Mania
- What caring parent would even consider taking a baby, or a six year old child, to see a PG-13 movie that was rated for its extreme violent content?
Environmental Epigenetics - The Hard Science of Natural Health
- Natural health works beyond any doubt based upon the reality of the epigenome that has epigenetic control of your genes.
Gardasil, the HPV Vaccine Should be Avoided
- Why should a young person take a dangerous vaccine, like Gardasil, just to protect themselves from getting an easily avoidable disease?
Hidden Advertisements
- Television personalities drinking Pepsi or Coca-Cola on popular television shows are a very effective form of advertising that if you do NOT watch out, can easily end up destroying your personal health.
More Parents Choose To Delay Vaccinations
- Have you considered an alternative vaccination schedule for your children?
Enjoying Natural Health
- No body gets out of life, alive. If you are not enjoying yourself getting healthy, then you are doing something wrong.
Vaccines & Vaccinations are a Big Lie
- Vaccinations have actually been killing people, spreading the very disease that they are supposed to prevent, causing permanent autism brain damage in our children, and making a lot of people sick.
Hot Air in the Health News Media
- People who take vitamin supplements should be aware of what they are taking, and why they are taking them. Avoid taking supplements, as if they were only candy.
Affordable Health Insurance
- Taking 5,000 IU of vitamin D a day will dramatically reduced your risk of coming down with 17 kinds of deadly cancers and other lifestyle diseases. The perfect Health Insurance Plan that costs only costs 50 cents a day.
The Root Cause of Crime (Fact)
- The American junkfood diet is destroying people's lives in more ways then one. Changes in blood sugar levels have been linked to violent behavior.
Sauerkraut Can Trigger Headaches
- Suffer from frequent headaches or some other Food intolerance? Then you are advised to avoid eating sauerkraut.
Ever-Wonder How Natural Health Developed?
- Unfortunately, there are a lot of kooky sites on natural health on the Web. Their complete lack of understanding about how the concept of natural health historically developed is what makes these other sites so laughable.
Are You Crazy?
- Save your own life. Take action now by joining the vitamin D bandwagon!
GrassrootsHealth on Disease Incidence
- The Natural Health Perspective does NOT just give lip service to health issues. It is more than capable of innovation, as well as doing its own research reviews.
Everybody Recommends Something Different
- Why is it that everybody on the Web makes different and often conflicting recommendations on health?
Smart People Get Their Blood Tested
- Knowledge about your health status provided by blood testing is power.