Natural Health and Wellness Glossary

Table of Contents for the Natural Health & Wellness Glossary
Our natural health glossary defines terms in common usage from a natural health context, without advocacy.
- A Alternative Medicine, Alternative Therapy
- B Biofeedback, Biomedical Model, Biopsychosocial Model
- C Case History, Constitutional Imbalance
- E Environmental Pollution, Evidence-Based Medicine
- F Fresh Air, Functional medicine
- G Good health
- H Healer, Health, Healthy, Health Psychology, Heroic Medicine
- I Ill Health
- L Lifestyle, Life-Extension
- M Materia Medica, Medical Scientism, Medicine, Miasmas, Mind - Body Connection
- N Natural, Natural Healing Practices, Natural Health, Natural Therapy,
- P Patient Empowerment, Physical Examination, Pollution, Prevention, Poor health
- Q Quackery
- S Scientism, Surgery
- T Treating the Disease, Treating the Patient
- W Wellness
Health Related Terms |
Natural Health Related Comments |
Alternative Medicine"A variety of therapeutic or preventive health care practices, such as homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, and herbal medicine, that do not follow generally accepted medical methods and may not have a scientific explanation for their effectiveness." « Back to Top | |
There are three key points.
When exploring the individual branches of alternative medicine four questions need to be answered. The answers to these questions will reveal whether or not each branch of alternative medicine is mostly quackery or something that the public should seriously consider using. |
Alternative Therapy"A term given to nonconventional therapy usually given by persons who do not have a medical qualification." « Back to Top | |
In natural health
contexts, therapy is the preferred term for self-care whereas treatment
or medicine is the preferred term for professional care administered by
another person. Alternative therapies is, thus, the preferred term for self-care alternative healing methods and covers therapies like aromathreapy, herbal medicines, visualization, meditation, and yoga. Therapy would also include individualized training sessions and group classes. The point being that therapy is always something that you can eventually use to treat yourself with. |
Biofeedback"A training technique that enables an individual to gain some element of voluntary control over autonomic body functions; based on the learning principle that a desired response is learned when received information such as a recorded increase in skin temperature (feedback) indicates that a specific thought complex or action has produced the desired physiological response." « Back to Top | |
Biofeedback links the mind with the body through high-technology devices that allows the mind to control certain bodily functions. In this treatment method, an individual is hooked up to monitoring devices which provides feedback of how brain waves, breathing patterns, muscle activity, sweat gland function, pulse, skin temperature, and blood pressure are responding to relaxation techniques, such as meditation. |
Biomedical Model"A conceptual model of illness that excludes psychological and social factors and includes only biological factors in an attempt to understand a person's medical illness or disorder." « Back to Top | |
The simplistic
biomedical approach of medicine generally
looks for single, very specific causes for diseases, with
correspondingly specific treatments, such as antibiotics for
infections, that are expected to be effective for that illness in most
people, under most conditions. Further, the biomedical model assumes that all disease is caused by structural anatomic or biochemical abnormality. The physician's responsibility is limited to finding the abnormality to be cured. But without an easily discovered abnormality the simplistic biomedical model often fails. |
Constitutional ImbalanceA constitutional imbalance is a long term disease process that will eventually result in a full blown lifestyle or chronic disease. « Back to Top | |
Metabolic syndrome is an example of a constitutional imbalance that if left unchecked will eventually lead to the lifestyle or chronic disease known as diabetes mellitus. Whether it requires more than just the metabolic syndrome is entirely besides the point since some type of a constitutional imbalance is always in play in the development of a lifestyle disease. Likewise, a constitutional imbalance could be either a germ or virus that eventually results in cancer. Dozens and dozens of different constitutional imbalances are possible. It is the role of a Functional Medicine doctor, for example, to determine what the constitutional imbalance is in a given patient under his care. |
Evidence-Based Medicine"The process of systematically finding, appraising, and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions." « Back to Top | |
Michael L. "Millenson
decries the lack of scientific-based medical practice and medicine's
failure to wake up due to its own historical studies. He cites data
that 85% of current practice has not been scientifically validated
despite medicine's claims of the physician-scientist."[4] Evidence-based medicine is an open admission by the scientific community that the practice of modern medicine has failed to live up to the standard of being based upon science. It is a recent movement that really did not become popular until the establishment of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University in 1995.[2] The mere fact that evidence-based medicine is being promoted speaks historically to a practice of medicine that was not completely based on science. A major problem with evidence-based medicine is that "the knowledge gained from clinical research does not directly answer the primary clinical question of what is best for the patient at hand."[1] |
Fresh Air« Back to Top | |
During the 19th century, fresh air referred to air without any strong smells or miasmas. During the 20th century, fresh air began to refer to pollution free air. |
Functional medicine"Functional medicine is personalized medicine that deals with primary prevention and underlying causes instead of symptoms for serious chronic disease. ...Functional medicine is anchored by an examination of the core clinical imbalances that underlie various disease conditions." « Back to Top | |
When you are unable to figure out what is wrong with you, you should go see a Functional Medicine doctor. |
Good Health"A state of living without illness, both mental and physical; healthy." « Back to Top | |
Nowadays, conventional medicine considers people with chronic pain and chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes to be in a state of good health. Other quality of life illnesses, like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, have been declared NOT to exist. |
Healer"One that heals or attempts to heal, especially a faith healer." « Back to Top | |
A healer is a practitioner of alternative health practices who works with, rather than against, the natural recuperative self-healing properties of the human body. Healers are said to heal because all healing comes from within the body. Healers heal the body by applying treatment from without the body. |
Health"Good digestion is what makes health possible." In other words, the nutrients in your food is what creates the state of health. Your digestive system is what extracts the nutrients from the food that your eat. Ergo, without good digestion a state of health is impossible to achieve. « Back to Top | |
Health is a state that is totally dependent upon good digestion. People suffering from chronic digestive problems are in a world of hurt where good health is simply NOT obtainable. Conventional medicine is concerned ONLY with health, whereas natural health is about developing wellness. Health is ALWAYS about prevention rather than curing disease. In other words, Medicine is concerned with cures, while health is ALWAYS about prevention. Medicine likes to play word games with your health. According to them your health has been restored by their quackery even if you suffer from numerous chronic diseases that require many different prescription medications, or are merely existing in a hospital or some type of a nursing home. Medicine, also, considers cancer patients kept alive for 5 years cured, even if they die the very next day. |
What is considered healthy is relative. Healthy is what will improve your health, relative to your starting point. Quite a few popular personalities in the natural health movement have got it all wrong. They have errored by treating healthy as an absolute concept. The road to good health is always a journey. The real world is never black and white. Black is ill health, White is good health, with the different shades of gray between these two different health conditions being healthy lifestyles. |
Health Psychology"The aggregate of the specific educational, scientific, and professional contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, the identification of etiologic and diagnostic correlates of health, illness, and related dysfunction, and the analysis and improvement of the health care system." « Back to Top | |
Once upon a time the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist was that the psychiatrist was a medical doctor who specialized in psychiatry while a psychologist had nothing to do with treating illness. Times have changed. These days, many psychologists are in the health business. Some of them have a specialization in health. You should expect a health psychologist to be using the mind - body model of health. Psychologists provide alternative medical services when they use biofeedback, hypnotherapy, or cognitive behavior therapy to treat an illness. |
Heroic Medicine"Denoting an aggressive, daring procedure in a dangerously ill patient which in itself may endanger the patient but which also has a possibility of being successful, whereas lesser action would result in failure." « Back to Top | |
Conventional medicine has had a marked historical preference
for heroic medicine. Heroic medicine is any medicine or method of
treatment that makes people suffer, get sick, get weak and run down
and/or die. Further, physicians often prefer to start off with these
bold and daring treatments. Heroic medicine, in short, is aggressive, reckless and foolhardy medicine that has a high potential for harming the patient. |
Ill Health"Disease of body or mind; poor health; sickness." « Back to Top | |
Ill health goes beyond merely being sick. It is chronic long term sickness that NEVER fully goes away. |
Life-ExtensionBook Review: Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach (1982) -- "The book's central premise is that animal experiments are now adaptable to humans who want to live to the age of 150." « Back to Top | |
Life-Extension is
what happens when quackery meets up with
people who have been educated in the basic sciences. These people often
dwell on biochemical egg-headed discussions of the effects
these drugs have on the human body, as if a critical use of science
supported their nonsense. This movement is characterized by vicious
personal attacks on all forms of alternative medicine, natural health
and quackery while they steadfastly refuse to recognize their own
position as quackery Quackwatch -- Your Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions, a Web site, has a Web page on Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach which clearly labels the methods advocated by this book as quackery. This movement advocates the extreme use of growth hormones, prescription drugs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other substances that science supposedly claims to cause people to live much longer than normal. In short, any person who is mostly into the heavy use of drugs, vitamins and other substances to the annual expenditure of $1,000+ because it is the scientific approach to health is a follower of this Life-Extension quackery. |
Lifestyle"The particular attitudes, habits or behaviour associated with an individual or group." « Back to Top | |
Lifestyle describes the particular attitudes, habits or behaviors associated with an individual. Lifestyle is under the control of the individual. And, their lifetime accumulative effects are theorized by advocates of natural health to be connected to all lifestyle or degenerative diseases. Individuals improve their health by carefully changing to a healthier lifestyle. |
Materia Medica"1. Material or substance used in the composition of remedies; a general term for all substances used as curative agents in medicine." « Back to Top | |
The use of all Materia Medica, or medicine, is historically quackery based upon a myth as old as mankind that medicines possess magical curative powers. |
Health Related Terms |
Natural Health Related Comments |
Medical Scientism"the belief that there is one and only one method of science and that it alone confers legitimacy upon the conduct of research." « Back to Top | |
Scientism is the religion of reductionist
scientific materialism. The mantra of medical scientism is
double-blind randomized clinical trial peer reviewed research published
in respectable journals. Medical scientism, as a form of academic
snobbery, says that just because a treatment method was shown to work
on you that fact alone is not good enough for the medical community to
accept its effectiveness. The essence of medical scientism is that there is only one acceptable method of medical research: Whatever the members of their elite private club says that it is. Critics maintain that there are other ways, such as observational evidence, clinical experience[1] and research published in any kind of a research journal. The primary problem with this one method of medical research is that it was clearly developed to test the effectiveness of drugs. Trying to force this method of drug testing on non-drug forms of alternative treatment methods is like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. Further, peer reviewed respectable journals like NEJM, Lancet, JAMA, and BMJ have been unable to prevent biased papers ghostwritten by pharmaceutical companies from being published.[5],[6] These same pharmaceutical companies are a primary source of funding for medical/drug research. In some cases, doctors listed as authors on ghostwritten research papers never reviewed the raw data, just tables compiled by a medical writing company. Another problem with medical scientism is that its one way of science seems more interested in being a welfare system for researchers than it is about solving the mysteries of health. NASA, after all, got man on the moon without the necessity for double-blind randomized clinical trial peer reviewed research published in respectable journals. This is because medical research, just like science, is designed to go on forever. No single piece of research is ever considered conclusive or final. Often the same research seems to be done over and over again which moves health research in a never ending spiraling of endless research circles that refuses to directly answer basic health questions. Medical scientism is, thus, about a never ending drive for more and more reductionism. Nothing about science prevents people from taking a direct approach to solving the mysteries of health. An argument can, also, be made that what an individual needs in order to improve their own health is more synthesis rather than further reductionism. Hence, what might benefit the progress of immortal science is not necessarily helpful for the mortal individual. |
Medicine"1. Any substance, liquid or solid, that has the property of curing or mitigating disease in animals, or that is used for that purpose. Simples, plants and minerals furnish most of our medicines. Even poisons used with judgment and in moderation, are safe and efficacious medicines. Medicines are internal or external, simple or compound. 2. The art of preventing, curing or alleviating the diseases of the human body. Hence we say, the study of medicine, or a student of medicine." « Back to Top | |
Webster's 1828 Dictionary definition of medicine,
which is shown to the left, clearly points out the historical meaning
of conventional medicine.
Medicine is ALWAYS about curing people of disease. Even though conventional medicine usually only treats symptoms, it at least has the pretense of finding a cure. Whereas, health is ALWAYS about prevention. Biomedicine today claims that diseases are to be treated through the introduction of prescription medications.[8] Depending upon how you look at it, the Western medical system currently is either eclectic, or a royal mess, which consists of a large number of unrelated treatment methods that largely have not been supported by science.[4] While the public equates conventional medicine with science due to a successful public relations campaign of the American Medical Association, the advent of evidence-based medicine documents that it is not. Making prescription medication the primary treatment method of biomedicine, while separating surgery from medicine, makes this Western medical system comparable to the various alternative treatment methods offered by alternative medicine. "For traumas, acute bacterial infections, and medical emergencies, allopathic medicine is very effective, but it does not handle viral infections, degenerative diseases [or lifestyle diseases], serious cancers, mental illness, or functional illness nearly as well."[9]Modern medicine, with its high technology, is also good at making diagnosis. In short, biomedicine is good at preventing and treating bacterial infections and for treating medical emergencies, such as acute traumas. |
Miasma"Infecting substances floating in the air; the effluvia or fine particles of any putrefying bodies, rising and floating in the atmosphere, and considered to be noxious to health." « Back to Top | |
During the 19th century,
disease was generally believed to be spread by foul smelling air, or
miasmas. It was in reference to the horrific smells of urban life which
came from horse manure, open sewers, and uncollected garbage. Webster's 1828 Dictionary definition of miasma, which is shown to the left, was written when the miasma theory of disease was generally believed to be correct. |
Mind - Body Connection or Biopsychosocial Model"It treats the biological, psychological and
social issues as systems of the body, similar to ... [bodily] systems
such as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Because of the importance of illness, much more information needs to be gathered during a consultation. ... For this reason, the interview process should encourage the patient to give as much information [as possible] ... This is a patient-centred approach, and generally involves open-ended questions designed for the patient to do much of the talking." « Back to Top | |
The complex biopsychosocial model is concerned
with illness, the subjective sense of suffering or reduced capacity to
function. The biopsychosocial model is a much more complex systems
theory approach to health, illness and healing. It does not look for
single, specific causes for illness, but sees health, illness and
healing as resulting from the interacting effects of events of very
different types, including biological, psychological, and social
factors. All of these are seen as systems that affect and interact with
one another to affect personal health. The mind-body connection says "loudly and clearly that the causes, development, and outcomes of an illness are determined by the interaction of psychological, social, and cultural factors [along] with biochemistry and physiology."[7] This model says that wholeness and integration is the answer rather than more and more medical specialization by body parts.
Natural"Pertaining to nature; produced or effected by nature, or by the laws of growth, formation or motion impressed on bodies or beings by divine power. ... In this sense, natural is opposed to artificial or acquired." « Back to Top | |
Webster's 1828 Dictionary got the definition of
natural correct. While a certain group of scientists would say that everything is natural, natural health advocates would find such a definition as being patently absurd. Natural is what is opposed to artificial. Natural is what naturally occurs in nature without any assistance from man. What can only be made by man is called artificial. While natural is what naturally occurs in nature, if mankind did not and had never existed. Man can produce both natural and artificial toxins. Evolution has given living creatures a natural way of dealing with natural toxins. Man made artificial toxins might be especially harmful to life since these toxins may not be biodegradable. Evolution has not given living creatures a natural way of detoxifying many of these artifical toxins. For example, how does the human body effectively deal with plastic leached into food from microwave cooking in plastic containers? Doing what is natural is only a relative guideline rather than an absolute maxim. Jack LaLanne often preaches: "If man made it, don't consume it!" Yet, also believes in drinking high protein shakes made from soy protein powder as well as soy milk. Soy cannot be safely consumed by man unless it is first heavily processed. And, while many animals live a physically active life and engage in aerobic activities like running, no animal naturally lifts weights or works out on a treadmill. So, use of the word natural in natural health contexts only connotes a preference for trying simple natural therapies first even though much of what we advocate is not 100% natural in all respects. There is no requirement in natural health to do only what is completely natural. |
Natural Healing Practices« Back to Top | |
Natural healing practices are a subset of both treatment methods and alternative medicine that looks towards nature for natural causes and explanations, rather than towards the supernatural. From the point of view of treatment methods, biomedicine can be considered a natural healing practice because it looks towards nature rather than the supernatural for explanations. |
Natural Health"Natural health is an eclectic self-care system of natural therapies that builds and restores health and wellness by working with the natural recuperative powers of the human body." « Back to Top | |
Natural health is an eclectic self-care system of natural therapies that builds and restores health by working with the natural recuperative powers of the human body.Natural health is ALWAYS about prevention rather than curing disease. In other words, Medicine is concerned with cures, while health is ALWAYS about prevention. See our tutorial on: What is Natural Health? |
Natural Therapy"Natural therapy is the treatment method used by advocates of natural health, which is a form of alternative medicine." « Back to Top | |
Natural therapy is the treatment method used by advocates of natural health.Natural therapy criteria:
See our tutorial on: What is a Natural Therapy? |
Patient Empowerment"Having the right to make one's own choices and of having the ability to act on them." « Back to Top | |
Patient empowerment is a concept that has recently emerged in the health scene. It embraces the idea that patients have the right to make their own choices about their health care. The empowerment model is based on the assumption that to be truly healthy, people must bring about changes not only in their personal behavior but also in their social situations and in the environment that influences their lives. This empowerment model has evolved out of the realization that patients cannot be forced to follow a lifestyle dictated by others. |
Health Related Terms |
Natural Health Related Comments |
Pollution"The action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man-made waste." « Back to Top | |
Environmental pollution cannot exist without the existence of man. Naturally occurring problems should be referred to by more accurate names, such as contamination (as in limestone deposits can be naturally contaminated with lead and other heavy metals) or natural problems can be caused by natural disasters (such as volcanic eruptions). The true definition of pollution is very much tied into our definition of natural. The key point being that only man can cause environmental pollution. Pollution requires man-made waste. Any health problems caused by nature and animals, outside the influence of man, should never be considered pollution, since nature has ways of dealing with these problems, even if animals can be the natural source of infectious diseases. |
Prevention"The act of going, or state of being, before." « Back to Top | |
There are actually three different levels of
Prevention according to medicine means detecting and managing infectious diseases, while in natural health contexts prevention means avoiding getting sick entirely. In short, medicine does not prevent anything, other than more serious progression of existing disease states and a handful of communicable diseases that are allegedly prevented by vaccination. |
Quackery"Quackery used to be a pejorative term describing medical charlatanism. As medical charlatanism became more popular and as using pejorative terms became politically incorrect except for the formerly oppressed classes, quackery evolved into alternative medicine and complementary medicine by those who practice it, and into unproven therapies and questionable methods by those who are critical of it. When quackery is mixed with scientific medicine, the latter is called a mainstream modality and the result is called integrative medicine by those who practice." « Back to Top | |
Outside of outright
consumer fraud, what is considered quackery is purely a matter of
politics as consumers in a free market economy have the right to decide
how they want to spend their own money. This modern concept is known as
patient empowerment. The word 'quackery' is derived from the word quacksalver ("someone who boasts about his salves"), which historically was an insult used against physicians using heroic medicine. It was historically associated with the use of mercury in Europe as medicine in the form of salves. The German form of the word is quacksalber and is based on the word quecksilber in German which means quicksilver or mercury. Who were the Quacks who originally topically treated diseases like syphilis with salves made from mercury in Europe? Why it was the educated and then politically correct professional physician, of course. |
Surgery"A branch of medicine that involves cutting open the body to manually correct injuries and disorders and to diagnose injuries or diseases." « Back to Top | |
Most of the success
stories made by conventional medicine in treating heart disease have
come from surgery rather than from medicine. Historically, advances in surgery developed by trial and error over the need to treat battlefield injuries. Surgery was considered a trade or a form of lowly physical labor throughout most of Western history. In Europe the distinction between surgery and medicine is rather distinct, while in America the differences are more muddled. The lofty educated physician did not perform surgery because it was beneath their aristocratic social position. While natural health advocates surely do not recommend unnecessary surgery most of the criticisms directed against conventional medicine are referring to Materia Medica or medicine rather than the field of surgery. |
Treating the Disease or Physical Examination"During a physical examination, a health care provider studies a patient's body to determine the presence or absence of physical problems. A typical physical examination includes:
« Back to Top | |
When you treat the
disease, either a high-tech diagnosis is made with the expensive tools
of modern medical science or a diagnosis has been made based upon a
physical examination of the patient. It would also include taking the
medical history of the patient. In short, treating the disease emphasizes pathology and centers on the simplistic biomedical model of health. |
Treating the Patient or Case History"All the relevant information or material gathered about an individual, family, group, etc., and arranged so as to serve as an organized record and have analytic value for a social worker, student, or the like: used esp. in social work, sociology, psychiatry, and medicine." « Back to Top | |
When you treat the
person a case study is taken that ascertains what the patient has been
doing wrong because all illness is assumed to be the fault of the
patient. Further, the natural healer will try to
regulate the life of their patients, their diet, etc., first before
using any drugs. Once the wrong behavior has
been stopped; drugs in the form of nutritional supplements and herbs
are given that will assist the patient in recovering naturally from
their situation. In short, treating the patient emphasizes the behavior of the patient and centers on the complex biopsychosocial model of health otherwise known as the mind-body connection. |
Wellness"Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being." « Back to Top | |
Good health and fitness is what makes wellness possible. When it comes to wellness, why NOT just be blunt about it? You have obtained wellness, when the following is true.
Please read our Links and Advertisement Disclaimer. This Web page presents dictionary definitions of health related terms as well as how they relate to the idealogies of natural health and natural therapies. No claim is being made about the therapeutic value of any therapy, treatment, or system of medicine mentioned on this Web page. |
Please read our Medical Advice Disclaimer.
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- Alternative Medicine and the Appropriation of Scientific Discourse
- Jacqueline Krohn, M.D., Frances Taylor, Jinger Prossser; The Whole Way to Natural Detoxification: The Complete Guide to Clearing Your Body of Toxins. Hartley & Marks Publishers, Inc. 1996.