Featured Stories
There is no more effective way to enjoy your life than through the exciting therapies of natural health. The Natural Health Perspective on this section of the site presents interesting health news stories on how anyone can improve their health by applying natural therapies in their own life.

The timeless wisdom of the effectiveness of natural therapies is proven time and time again with each new research study published.
Watching Too Much Television Results In Premature Death
The way you choose to wrap up your day at home can adversely affect your health.
Previous Natural Health Featured Stories
Prostate Cancer Scare with Vitamin E and Selenium
- The results of this research study on prostate cancer, vitamin E, and selenium were rigged.
Added Sugar Kills
- Added sugar could easily double your risk for heart disease even if you are not fat.
Sitting less, moving more, reduces Heart Failure risk
- Men who spent five or more hours a day sitting were 34 percent more likely to develop heart failure than men who spent no more than two hours a day sitting, regardless of how much they exercised.
Fish oil protects the aging brain
- Consume more fish oil in order to prevent memory loss.
Living close to nature improves mental health
- Reduce the stress in your life by spending more time in the green of nature.
Vitamin E slows progression of Alzheimer's disease
- Here is a research study where even the alpha tocopherol form of vitamin E was shown to work better than prescription medication.
Eat More Nuts for a Long Life
- Eating nuts every day, helps ensures a long life.
Sleep Detoxifies Your Brain
- Here is a working solution for preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
Herbal Products Buyer, Beware!
- Herbal preparations do not have the same high quality standards usually found in vitamin and mineral supplements.
Lowering Your Arsenic Intake from Rice
- Tips on how to lower your arensic intake from rice.
Obesity Kills, Pass It On
- The current obesity epidemic will soon lower life expectancy estimates in America by at least 5 years.
Is Coffee Drinking Unhealthy?
- The latest study advising against excessive consumption of coffee does not make a lot of sense.
Why Vitamin D Improves Your Health
- Vitamin D improves your health with epigenetic modifications that effect important life functions.
Flu Vaccine Shown Ineffective
- Were you foolish enough to believe the major effort made by the vaccination industry to promote their flu vaccine?
How You Can Protect Yourself from Cancer
- New revelations finally solve the folic acid supplementation controversy.
Nicotinamide Boosts Natural Immunity
- It is the position of the Natural Health Perspective that taking nicotinamide as a preventative measure will boost your natural immunity, as well as lower your anxiety levels.
Whole-Grain Fiber Protects Against Colon Cancer
- Consuming three servings, or three and one-quarter ounces, of whole-grains a day was associated with about a 20% lower risk of colorectal cancer.
Too Many Bad Nights Can Cause High Blood Pressure
- Not getting enough of better quality deep slow-wave sleep is bad for your health and increases your risk of developing high blood pressure by as much as 80 percent.
Listening to Mobile Devices Can Be Dangerous
- Crossing streets while using a mobile device is more dangerous than you think.
Cacao Shown to Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- If you can stomach eating cooking chocolate, its Cacao flavonols will improve your heart health.
Genetic Engineering - A Non-Toxic Treatment for Leukemia
- Finally an approach to treating cancer tumors without toxic chemotherapy that can result in complete remission of leukemia.
Healthy Whole Food Diet Reduces Risk of Colorectal Cancer
- Eating brown rice, dried fruit, beans, and greens every week can significantly reduce your risk of getting Colorectal cancer.
Black vs. White Cancer Death Disparity
- More black women die from cancer than white women because blacks synthesize less vitamin D from sunshine in the United States of America than whites do.
Too Little Sleep Impedes Weight Loss
- When it rains it pours. Those who do NOT sleep soundly, also, have a hard time trying to manage their weight.
Are Irritable Bowel Symptoms All in Your Mind?
- There are a number of studies that have linked Irritable Bowel Symptoms (IBS) to excess bacteria in your intestines.
Alcohol Abuse Can Result in Pneumonia
- Even excessive binge drinking is bad for you. Besides cirrhosis of the liver those who abuse their alcohol can easily end up with pneumonia.
Vitamin D Prevents Even Type 2 Diabetes
- It is NOT just type 1 anymore. Vitamin D has been found to be effective against even type 2 diabetes.
Calcium Supplements Are Out
- The biggest myth going around about preventing osteoporosis is that calcium builds strong bones. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Too Much Sleep or Not Enough is Unhealthy
- Not getting enough sleep each night? Here is something that might train your body to sleep soundly all night long.
High Meat Diet Kills Off Kidneys
- Never make meat the centerpiece of every meal. And overall eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains.
Weight-Bearing Exercise Builds Bone
- Large amounts of vitamin D, calicum, and magnesium; plus weight-bearing exercise, are needed on a daily basis to prevent bone loss.
Lower High Blood Pressure, NOT Cholesterol
- Treating high blood pressure will give you a lot bigger health benefit than treating moderately high cholesterol levels.
Regular Physical Exercise is NOT Enough
- Whenever you find yourself sitting down for long periods of time, be sure to get up and walk around periodically.
Eating Lots of Red Meat Leads to Stroke
- Consuming a lot of red and process meat in your diet is bad for you, while consuming more fish was shown to be good for you.
The Mediterranean Diet Keeps Your Mind Sharp
- The Mediterranean helps your brain to stay focused just as much it keeps your heart healthy.
Echinacea Falls Short, Once Again
- Try taking an Echinacea root preparation several times at the very first sign of a cold.
Computers and Eating Do NOT Mix
- Do NOT sabotage your efforts at dieting by eating while you are on the computer.
Healthy Lifestyle Protects Against Many Diseases
- Once you are living a healthy lifestyle your body will automatically take care of all the details of protecting yourself against a long list of specific diseases.
Music: A Quick & Easy Stress Reliever
- Play soothing music for fast and easy stress relief.
Jack LaLanne Dies from Pneumonia
- Natural Health icon Jack LaLanne dies a success at the age of 96 from pneumonia.
Poor Diet Related To Hearing Lost in Elderly
- The elderly suffer from hearing lost often because they are defiecient in folate or vitamin B-12.
Protein Following Exercise Builds Muscle Mass
- To get big and strong you have to do more than eat protein, you have to exercise.
Protein and High Fiber Food for Weight Control
- Research shows that adding modest amounts of protein and high fiber foods to a healthy diet will help you to keep from gaining excess weight.
Eat High Fiber For A Longer Life
- A high-fiber diet that is high in both whole grains and vegetables promotes a longer life.
Vitamin D Therapy Has Gone Mainstream
- While the medical establishment in the United States, unlike in Canada, is still pretending that Vitamin D does nothing more than build strong bones, many medical practitioners are embracing its many health benefits.
Vitamin D Helps to Prevent Multiple Sclerosis
- Vitamin D from sunshine and sunshine was shown in this study to be effective against preventing the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) in children.