Created by John H. Gohde
Copyright © 1999-2015
John H. Gohde
Proprietary Rights Notice
All Rights Reserved.

You may not copy, reproduce, re-publish, download, post, broadcast, transmit or otherwise use our Web site content; including pictures, video, and other media; in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. All pictures, and graphic images, have been excluded from the various Web search engines because they are NOT in the public domain. Nor, have the respective search engines been granted persmission to catalog same.
Uses beyond those allowed by the "Fair Use" limitations (sections 107 and 108) of the U.S. Copyright Law require written permission of the copyright holder. Please read our complete Terms of Service Agreement for further information on Intellectual Property Information and Unauthorized Use of Materials.
Of course, links to our Web site are both permitted and encouraged. Because of Google's concept of Page Rank, all links to our site should link to our home page, as well. You have limited permission to quote information found within this site on other Internet Web sites as long as you acknowledge our copyright with a hyperlink to our home page. Any text quoted must be enclosed in quotes. Under no circumstances can our copyrighted information be altered in any way.
All text, or informational materials, on the Natural Health Perspective Web site are the intellectual property of the above copyright holder. In many cases, pictures and other media appearing on this Web site have been licensed from third parties. Copyright, license, and other intellectual property laws protect these materials of their respective owners. Please read our complete Terms of Service Agreement for further information on Intellectual Property Information and Unauthorized Use of Materials. |
Our History
The history of our copyright is the history of the activities of the above copyright holder.
Snapshots of the history of our home page can be viewed at the WayBackMachine. From any prior version of our Web site archived in the WayBackMachine you can actually follow most of our old links to study how our site once looked. If nothing else, the WayBackMachine independently documents the historical establishment of our copyright claims.
Early Years from 1999 to 2000

The John H. Gohde, Natural Health Advocate Web site was a tiny site of about a dozen Web pages which consisted basically of just the core Web pages of our present health program (namely Diet, Nutritional Supplements, Exercise, Attitude, Resilience [which originally was referenced as meditation], Detoxification, Diseases of Civilization which included the Modifiable Risk Factors, and Longevity. The prior existence of this now defunct Web site is documented by literally thousands of newsgroup posts (Sample post), which ended with a signature, similar to the following.
John H. Gohde,
Get your health questions answered from the Natural Health Perspective at: [the now defunct]
Natural Health Advocate of the Healing Power of Nature
This defunct John H. Gohde, Natural Health Advocate Web site centered around me, personally, "the Natural Health Advocate of pro-active approaches to preventing 'Diseases of Civilization,' promoting Optimum Health, and Longevity."
Icon Accreditation Period from 3-Sep-2000 to Jan-2010
The Alexa Traffic Rank score Web page for our Web site independently documents that the current Natural Health Perspective Web site started operation on 03-Sep-2000.
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The Natural Health Perspective Web site during this icon or accreditation period centered on an accredited health program for about eight years from August 16, 2001 until the beginning of 2010. They last certified it in January of 2009.
This is the period that this Web site became aware of and concerned about standards for content, HTML layout design, and search engine optimization.
The Swiss organization that gave us our health accreditation was always impossible to work with. It took forever to be contacted by them and receive our initial review, which we failed. Ultimately major changes were made to our Web site to achieve health accreditation.
The look and HTML coding of this site was viciously attacked by a group of
Internet Trolls. As a result, an effort was made to insure that at least the
Web page templates used by this sited passed W3C HTML Validation. The use of
the Windows 98 FrontPage Express WYSIWYG HTML editor was dropped. All use of
HTML font coding was removed from the Web pages. The entire site was converted
over to the use of Cascade Styling Sheets (CSS). All these coding changes were
going on at the same time that site design changes were being made to both
to comply with the health accreditation standards and as well as search engine
optimize this site. As too many things were on the plate at the same time,
we ended up with a half-dozen different CSS styling sheets rather than just
Off site, I was writing for Wikipedia. The Google search engine, also, actually imposes their own set of standards upon Web sites. Let us just say that this site uses 100% white-hat SEO techniques that are largely based upon a variation of Wikipedian article styling guidelines.
Rebirth - January 2010 to February 2011
Either you love this site, or you hate it.
For those who choose to criticize our site the fact that we were health accredited for 8 years running made absolutely no difference to them whatsoever. What makes our site a success is the content, and all the hard thinking that went into creating it, rather than some stupid icons shown on the bottom of each page.
This is the start of a period of high self-esteem and rebirth of a great little Web site.
In these economically trying times, the Natural Health Perspective Web site was monetize with Google Ads, which pervade the entire Web. About at the same time, our site unilaterally lost our health accreditation. Other than the addition of Google advertisement, absolutely no other changes were made. Ads are allowed by this Swiss organization if they are properly disclosed. We never received any communication from them explaining what was wrong with the site so that corrections could be made. Numerous emails were sent to them, all of which were ignored.
This health accrediting body has many standards to comply with, most of which we agree with, but also few which do not make any sense. The deal breaker for us was their stupid requirement to disclose individually the date that each Web page was last updated. That requirement is totally acquainted, illogical, extremely time consuming and costly to implement, not to mention totally misunderstands the entire point of natural health, or timeless principles of health that do not change with each breaking health news story.
Important new articles, like Epigenetics - Lifestyle Trumps Family History, slowly evolve over a period of a few weeks or even months, as they are fully developed and refined. Rather than merry flood the world with a very large number of unconnected posts, one right after the other, this site prefers to release a small number of interconnected articles while attempting to provide organization, meaning to the bigger picture, and thus manageability to our information.
Understanding Copyright Law and Exclusive Rights
Copyright © & Proprietary Rights Notice
In April of 2010, the time of annual renewal and rebirth, we made the decision to tell these rude Hon Code people to take a hike. They need us more than we ever needed them. Thanks for making us aware of a few good content standards, and for making us a better site, but your days of ruling and dominating this Web site are over. It is time once again to take total control of the Natural Health Perspective. Naturally, we will continue to voluntary comply with all their standards that we happen to agree with.
Makeover - March 2011 to April 2011
The first major Web page makeover in a decade for this site was completed at the end of April of 2011. We are now using now just one Web page template and just one external CSS file to achieve our new look. The critics who have been attacking the look of this site for over a decade no longer have anything to complain about. Our new look is fresher, cleaner, and people oriented.
Our Web page design is still based around the use of layout tables. Despite what the CSS advocates claim, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using HTML tables to achieve a Web page layout. Using layout tables makes our site inclusive rather than more and more exclusive. Even Google uses layout tables on their Web pages. The facts are that with tables even the older more ancient Web browsers are able to access the informational content on our site. Further, we are in fact making heavy use of CSS. And, are employing a few fancy CSS layout features to achieve better SEO in Google.
A large number of our old Web pages are scheduled for deletion. A few pages went in the wrong direction and will be deleted. The dictionary on alternative medicine was dropped last year, but there are still a few pages out there that are scheduled for deletion. Our failed Natural Health Web site directory will also be dropped. The basic reason behind our decision is that these pages were nothing but a never-ending maintenance nightmare. In the future, all of our new Web pages will contain fewer external links and, thus, fewer maintenance headaches.
Please read Improving Web Site Accessibility, if you are having trouble viewing this Web page.
- "Subgrouping by length of mean follow
up suggests that virtually all protection from cardiovascular events occurs
in trials of at least two years' duration. ... Sustained change in dietary
behaviour, promoted by long interventions, is probably necessary to achieve
reduction in cardiovascular events ..."
Lee Hooper, Carolyn D Summerbell, Julian P T Higgins. Dietary fat intake and prevention of cardiovascular disease. BMJ 2001;322:757-763. [BMJ online]
- "We have observed in the Ornish Program
that survival is even more pronounced at the five year mark. It takes months
to remodel the coronaries and to stabilize plaque."
Richard E. Collins, MD. Nice Review, Wrong Conclusion. 2 Apr 2001 [BMJ online Response]
- "RESULTS: Multivariate analysis
suggested that "good" and "bad"
aging from age 70-80 could be predicted by variables assessed before age
50. ... One may have greater personal control over one's biopsychosocial
health after retirement than previously recognized."
Vaillant GE, Mukamal K. Successful Aging. Am J Psychiatry. 2001 Jun 1;158(6):839-847." PMID: 11384887 [Online]
- "Results California Adventists have
higher life expectancies at the age of 30 years than other white Californians
by 7.28 years ... in men and by 4.42 years ... in women ... Commonly observed
combinations of diet, exercise, body mass index, past smoking habits, ...
can account for differences of up to 10 years of life expectancy among
Adventists. ... Conclusions Choices regarding diet, exercise, cigarette
smoking, body weight ... appear to change life expectancy by many years."
Gary E. Fraser, David J. Shavlik. Ten Years of Life: Is It a Matter of Choice? Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:1645-1652. [Abstract] [Online]
- "Medicalisation refers to the theory
that people seek to categorise life's normal vicissitudes as medical problems."
Bonaccorso SN, Sturchio JL. For and against: Direct to consumer advertising is medicalising normal human experience: Against. BMJ. 2002 Apr 13;324(7342):910-1. No abstract available. PMID: 11950746 [BMJ online]
- "Death, pain, and sickness are part
of being human. All cultures have developed means to help people cope with
all three. Indeed, health can even be defined as being successful in coping
with these realities. Modern medicine has unfortunately destroyed these
cultural and individual capacities, launching instead an inhuman attempt
to defeat death, pain, and sickness. It has sapped the will of the people
to suffer reality. 'People are conditioned to get things rather than to
do them ... They want to be taught, moved, treated, or guided rather than
to learn, to heal, and to find their own way.'"
Moynihan R, Smith R. Too much medicine? BMJ. 2002 Apr 13;324(7342):859-60. PMID: 11950716 [BMJ online]
- "CONCLUSIONS: Patients achieved
their highest functional capacity after 38 weeks of outpatient cardiac
rehabilitation using a program format of only 29 to 38 supervised exercise
Hamm LF, Kavanagh T, Campbell RB. Timeline for peak improvements during 52 weeks of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2004 Nov-Dec;24(6):374-80; quiz 381-2. PMID: 15632770 [Abstract]