About Us
The Natural Health PerspectiveWeb site can be classified as a hobby informational Web Site operated by a single individual.
The topic of our site is natural health, wellness, holistic medicine, prevention, healthy living, and healthy lifestyles.
Contents of About Us:
- Top of this Webpage.
- The reason-for-being for this site
- The mission of our site has been a success.
- Bottom of this Webpage.
- Who is the operator, webmaster, and provider of information and advice on this Site?
- What are the credentials of the provider of information and advice on this Site?
- What are the sources of Funding for this Site?
We are classified in the human-edited Open Directory Project (ODP) as a Health: Alternative: Holistic and Integrated Medicine Web Site. This is because the Natural Health Perspective describes a mainly Western outlook on holistic medicine. Our articles present alternative health information that centers around lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, attitude, and relationships.

To inform you properly About Us / About Me demands that I first write about the reason-for-being for this site. For you see, this site is more about my thoughts on health and wellness than it is about my personal life.
ThisWeb site is written, being developed, and maintained by a senior citizen. Please do NOT tell me that you cannot deal with computers or the Internet; because if I can do it, so can you.
People have often asked me, why do you bother? I would answer as follows.
Why does any Web Site exist? This site ultimately exists only because I felt like doing it. Greg Anderson, author of The 22 {Non-Negotiable} Laws of Wellness, wrote in Part Six of his book about "The Vocation Laws."[1] Greg offers as good a rationalization as any for the reason-for-being for the Natural Health Perspective Web Site.
In Chapter 16 Greg wrote: "The Law of Life Mission holds, 'If you have a purpose, you have everything' ... One of the certain signs we're living life 'on purpose' is that our labours are of such absorbing interest that they seem almost like play."[2] While I cannot claim that this site rises to the level of the sole Mission of my life, it definitely does give me something to do of both an intellectual and creative nature. This Web Site gives me a noble goal that rises above my own selfishness. It personally helps me during periods of depression. This site also aids me to clarify my own thoughts on health and wellness, in public. This site is more a reflection of my goals, than necessarily my personal health reality.
In Chapter 17 Greg wrote: "The best way we can fulfill -- in fact, the only way of fulfilling -- highest wellness potential is through service to others. ... The Law of Purpose Through Service asks that we make a habit of helping others, so that helping becomes for us a natural way of expressing compassion."[3] Other people often talk about the importance of community service. Well guess what? My Web Site allows me to serve the people of the global community known as Planet Earth. Can you say the same?
In Chapter 18 Greg wrote: "We don't 'own' anything. Not really. We may use something for a while. But we don't own it. We pass it along or discard it. ... The Law of Stewardship demands that we undertake actions with proper and high regard for other people and the next generation."[4] Unlike a printed book, the virtual real estate of a Web Site uses up very little scarce resources. Personally, I am at the age where individuals often start dealing with their own approaching mortality. I have a personal stake in extending my own lifetime. Some would call it the responsible thing to do. I might as well pass the knowledge gained by me on my own Quest for the Holy Grail along to the next generation.
Why does the Natural Health Perspective Web Site exist? It exists in order to provide an alternative health information resource on prevention and healthy lifestyles. Some Web Sites will always be run with a viewpoint hostile towards anything about alternative medicine; regardless of the evidence and regardless of the behavior of the buying public. This site exists in order to present evidence-based alternative health information that makes a lot of sense provided you have actually taken the time to study our health claims.
Remember this: I primarily did this site for me. I do not really care if you agree with me or not. This site is here, to help you along the way on your own journey. Use of it, as you may.
The mission of our site has been a success. We have gotten our information out on the web. And, real people are reading our articles. Our Web Site is in the top 3 search engines: Yahoo, Microsoft Network (MSN) / Bing, and Google. With our site having over one hundred different Web pages, a search in each of the top 3 search engines using naturalhealthperspective as the search string verifies that hundreds of Web pages are linked to our site.
We receive many favorable remarks about our Web Site, such as the following comments.
Most of the references to our site come from grass roots Web Sites which either have a lower Google page rank or no page rank at all. We are also in a large number of directories, free Internet encyclopedias, and in an even larger number of Usenet forums.
The most prestigious links to our site come from the education domain.
We, also, have prestigious links to our site from the government domain.
The original logo of the Natural Health Perspective Web Site was based on the famous Vitruvian Man (c. 1492), pen and ink drawing, by Leonardo da Vinci, which was named after the Roman architect Vitruvius. In his drawing, Leonardo solved a 3,000 year old problem known as squaring the circle. (My Web Site solves the problem of how to live a good life.) The Vitruvian Man illustrates Leonardo's theory that man is the measure of all things. The Vitruvian Man graphical image is often associated with medical Web Sites.
Contents of About Us / John Gohde:
The Natural Health Perspective Web Site is about my thoughts. Throughout this site I have attempted to leave the personal me out of it, as much as possible. Consequently, my Web Site has succeeded in being of the highest quality possible. I want to keep my private life, as private as possible. Yet under the principle of full disclosure, I am voluntarily releasing the following information.
- Who is the operator, webmaster, and provider of information and
advice on this Site?
- John
P O Box 17,581
Richmond, VA 23226-7581
- John
- What are the credentials of the provider of information and advice
on this Site?
- All information on this site is offered by a non-medically trained individual.
- The provider of information on this site is offering science-based
- NOT medical advice;
- that supports the biopsychosocial / mind - body model of natural health; and
- that supports the role played by your mind in natural health.
- The provider of information on this site has a BA degree in Psychology.
- What are the sources of
Funding for this Site?
- Operating expenses are paid 100% by a single individual:
- John
P O Box 17,581
Richmond, VA 23226-7581
U.S.A.- It costs less than USA $0.004 an hour to keep the Natural Health Perspective Web Site running 24x7, 365 days a year. Or, approximately USA $35.40 a year.
- Linux Hosting
- HostMySite
260 Chapman Road
Suite 205
Newark, Delaware 19702
USA - The Linux Hosting, also, covers:
- WHOIS Administration
- POP3 Email
- Forwarding
- Autoresponding
- Spam filtering
- Web Site Statistics
- Very detailed webpage statistics by page views, views, and hits
- Numerous demographic and viewer statistics
- Very detailed search engine statistics
- HostMySite
- John
- The identities of commercial companies currently advertising on this
Site, are:
- Google
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
- Revenue generated from Google Adsense is based upon viewers clicking Google Ads rather than upon commissions earned from actual sales. In other words, actual sales are NOT required nor necessary for this site to receive revenue from Google ads.
- Compensation is based upon a complex, dynamic formula that is constantly changing. As our participation in this program is quite new, we have yet to receive any compensation from Google.
- Associates
Amazon.com, Inc.
Seattle, Washington, USA- Sales Commissions collected from Amazon.com, Inc. and actually paid as compensation to the operator of this site, monthly, are large enough to make this site self-supporting.
- Google
- The identities of commercial and non-commercial organizations currently
contributing other services or material to this Site, are:
- Web & Site Search Services
Google, Inc.
2400 E. Bayshore Pkwy
Mountain View , CA 94043
USA - MSN Site Search Services
MSN Site Search
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
USA - Language Translation Services
AltaVista Babel Fish Translation
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Pasadena, California 91103
- Web & Site Search Services
- Operating expenses are paid 100% by a single individual:
Contents of About Us / John Gohde:
Please read our Medical Advice Disclaimer.
Please read Improving Web Site Accessibility, if you are having trouble viewing this Web page.
- Greg Anderson, The 22 {Non-Negotiable} Laws of Wellness: Feel, Think, and Live Better Than You Ever Thought Possible (San Francisco: Harper Collins Publishers, 1995), ISBN 0-06-251238-2, pp. 154-186.
- Ibid., pp.159,161.
- Ibid., pp.169,171.
- Ibid., pp.179,184.