The Natural Health Perspective is primarily interested in solving the mysteries of health. The site has been online for over a decade, and has already answered most of the important health questions. Nevertheless, the Natural Health Perspective is constantly on the outlook for new ideas and significant health breakthroughs. Thus, most of our articles are well-researched and accordingly few in number.
Most health sites simply do not put a lot of effort into writing new posts, since time is money. Spending a lot of time in the researching that is required by well developed articles is not what maximizes Web site revenue these days.
Important New Articles Were Added in 2013
The year started out with Fast Headache Relief, which concluded that using the wrong delivery method causes most of the problems commonly associated with aspirin. Further, that chronic use of acetaminophen is more likely than aspirin to cause liver failure. In addition, a featured video was added that covers alternative non-drug headache treatment methods.
We wrapped up the year with four different articles on iodine. Our coverage began with the Iodine Story from a food perspective. This article has already been significantly updated with a new section on iodine as an atom, a list of good food sources, as well as a new featured video that covers iodine as food. In addition, the conclusions of this article have been expanded.
The Top Five Mainstream Health News Stories of 2013.
Supplementing with Iodine addressed our recommended maximum cancer preventative dosage. In addition, iodine supplement cofactors are covered. Then in the Implications of Iodine to the Evolution of Mankind, we concluded with the thyroid safe range of iodine, for those who want to supplement. Finally, we concluded that High Dosage Iodine Preparations are a natural health scam, which should be avoided. In 2014, we will be exploring the role iodine plays in preventing cancer, which was touched upon in our Review of Gerson Therapy. This review article of ours has been updated to cover Charlotte Gerson's use of iodine as a cancer cure.
Our section on Exercising was cleaned up with Functional Body Weight Exercise, Strength Building Anaerobic Exercise, and Endurance Building Aerobic Exercise. In addition, two old articles that went in the wrong direction were deleted.
Eat Plants, NOT Meat really nailed or solidified our position that obtaining good cooking skills is more important than eating organic.
The Natural Health Perspective anti-vaccine stance was amplified with two new articles: Flu Vaccine Shown Ineffective and Wrapping Your Head around Vaccination.
In Is Vitamin A, a Vitamin D Antagonist, the Natural Health Perspective suggested that people at the advanced level of good health should try supplementing with vitamin D just six days of the week, while supplementing with retinol on the seventh.
Three new articles addressed the implications of obesity to your health: The Importance of Waking Up In the Morning, Globesity - Fat's New Frontier, and Obesity Kills, Pass It On.
Two new articles, Herbal Products - Buyer Beware and Tread Lightly with Herbal Medicines, solidified our position on herbs and herbal medicines.
Sleep Detoxifies Your Brain provided the Natural Health Perspective with our new primary strategy for preventing Alzheimer’s disease during old age.
Finally, a new section called Documentary Films was added to our site along with 5 different film recommendations.
Incidentally, beyond a few other miscellaneous articles the Natural Health Perspective has made a disease cure breakthrough in 2013 that has yet to be published, but soon will be.
Articles with Major Updates
The editorial on Everybody Recommends Something Different was finally, finalized with a brand new introduction. In short, congruence on the Web is never going to happen due to competitive pressures in the marketplace. Moreover, additional comments were added about herd instinct, marijuana and stoners, as well as a response to people who are against taking vitamin supplements.
Our Health Program Frequently Asked Questions article was updated with two new anti-cancer strategies, for a total of five. We now have three strategies for preventing Alzheimer's disease. In addition, herbs were dropped as a source of nutrition by the Natural Health Perspective.
Then number ten of our Top 10 Good Health Tips added the death of Brittany Murphy in 2009 to document that death from pneumonia is a serious risk for all age groups, and not just a concern for senior citizens.