The Savanna Theory of Human Evolution
This theory claims that somewhere between 5 and 8 million years ago, a group of Paleolithic hominids went through a major transition from living in trees to living on the ground. Why hominids ever lived in trees to begin with, other than that is the habitat for monkeys and chimpanzees, is not explained by this theory. Apes and gorillas while they live in dense forests and can climb trees, live primarily on the ground.
Our entire evolutionary process supposedly went through a long series of stages that included walking upright on two feet, losing body hair, literally running game down on foot, developing language and big social groups, and of course a dramatically increased brain size and intelligence.
Aquatic Ape Theory of Human Evolution
This competing theory says that seafood, and therefore only a coastal area provides the nutrients required by human brain development. This theory does not require Paleolithic hominids to have ever lived in trees.
Elaine Morgan coined the Aquatic Ape Theory in 1997. Others have thought that man was much more likely to have evolved in a coastal area. Archaeologists have generally discounted the Aquatic Ape Theory due to a lack of a fossil record to support it. Furthermore, the theory fails to provide a good reason why the early hominids started to walk upright on two feet.
Humans, one way or the other, managed to have evolved on inland levels of iodine.
What we know for sure is that humans left either the seacoast or the grassy, tree-dotted savannas of East Africa to migrate all over the entire globe. Recorded history has shown that while dominant military powers in the last several hundred years always had access to the sea, there was never any indication that those who lived inland were retarded or mentally inferior to people who made their living off the sea.
What is the definition of the theory of human evolution?
A contemporary geographer, Dr. Jerome E. Dobson, has proposed a new theory that the Neanderthals were nothing but humans who had suffered from cretinism over a long series of generations. He reasoned that both the bone structures of modern cretins and Neanderthals are very similar to each other. Interestingly enough, Neanderthals had a bigger average brain size of 1,450 cc compared to just 1,330 cc for modern humans. Further, they; lived inland in Europe to central Asia and died out for unexplained reasons.
Ever since the agricultural revolution, farmers grew and ate food grown locally inland in iodine deficient soil.
What are the implications of iodine to the evolution of mankind?
Is the maximum amount of iodine required for good health closer to the RDA of 150 mcg per day, or to the much larger 12.5 mg figure being advocated by the high-dosage iodine preparation people represented by doctors Abraham, Flechas, and Brownstein?
In conclusion: The Natural Health Perspective submits that the maximum recommended dosage of iodine would have to be at the lower end, since the iodine story tells us that mankind would be hard pressed to obtain much more than 150 mcg a day, from inland food sources.
Furthermore, if what archaeologists claim is true about the savanna theory of human evolution, then mankind rarely if ever ate abundant amounts of iodine. This argument provides further support for our position that the thyroid safe range of iodine is between 330 to 500 mcg per day, rather than 12.5 mg.
While some have suggested that Homo sapiens acquired a mutation that allowed them to survive on low levels of iodine, while the Neanderthals did not. The Natural Health Perspective proposes a more simplified explanation, the amount of iodine available inland simply could not support the Neanderthal's larger brain size, which resulted in cretinism, whereas typical food levels found inland is more than adequate for the smaller human brain.
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