Globesity: Fat's New Frontier
A film about how obesity during the last few decades has suddenly become a worldwide epidemic.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation produced a program in July 2012 that examined the world's number one health issue. Globesity - Fat's New Frontier - explores four obesity hotspots outside of the United States - Mexico, Brazil, China and India - where hundreds of millions are dying from diabetes.
In 2010, 500 million people were obese worldwide. Shockingly, that figure is predicted to rise to one billion by 2030.
On the one hand, Americans can take comfort in the fact that obesity is NOT just an American problem. Mexico has a bigger weight problem than America does. On the other hand, however, Americans have been busy exporting their process food industry, making the world fat, under the guise of preventing under-nutrition; all in the name of ever greater corporate profits.
Globesity: Fat's New Frontier
You will see first hand, for example, how Coca-Cola has become ubiquitous to Mexican society, especially in schools. What use to be viewed as a treat has now become an everyday expectation with diabetes now being the primary cause of death in Mexico.
American corporations have been busy developing snacking as a new market with disastrous health results. The world now is just one gigantic food environment that most people cannot resist.