Every major health question was answered during 2012. 2012 - The Year in Review

2012 - The Year in Review 

Just about every major health question was definitively answered on the Natural Health Perspective during 2012 in black and white, where many things were going on behind the scenes.

Every major health question was answered during 2012.

In fact, last year was probably the most productive year for us during the last decade. 2013 will prove to be even better. This article will briefly review the progress made on this site in a rough order of importance. To find out what you might have missed, simply follow the considerable number of hyperlinks contained on this summary review article.

We came up with our own definition of health, which clearly simplifies exactly what health is all about. In short, health comes ONLY from the good nutrition contained in the food that you eat. Ergo, good digestion is required for good health. As a corollary, physical exercise improves your level of fitness rather than health.

For those suffering from poor digestion, four different ways to restore digestion to a healthy state, was presented.

Our health and wellness program was clearly defined, in black and white. First, a top ten good health tips list was developed previously in 2011, followed by our health program frequently answered questions article, which definitively defines where we stand on the various health issues and answers an amazing number of important health questions, all on just one Web page. Long overdue, we even got around to precisely defining what living a life of moderation means.


Communicable Diseases Conquered during 2012

We expanded the scope of natural health to deal with, prevent, and cure communicable diseases from its traditional role of preventing lifestyle disease. We clearly documented how natural immunity works and that it consists of the innate immune system with natural killer cells and the adaptive immune system. Consequently, the health program on the Natural Health Perspective is now on par with the natural hygiene movement of the nineteenth century. The only difference being that our recommended vitamin regiment actually works and accordingly prevents people from catching deadly communicable diseases, or at lease makes getting sick survivable. Furthermore, our site is probably the ONLY one advocating the use of vitamin A to prevent and cure communicable disease.

In addition, we manage to clear up the confusion being promulgated by far too many natural health sites on the role played by the gut in natural immunity. In short, good gut health affects the permeability of your intestines; which in turn is what prevents digestion problems

Furthermore, how our health program specifically prevents 5 serious diseases, was addressed in black and white.

  1. Alzheimer's disease
  2. age-related cancer
  3. chronic infections
  4. heart disease
  5. hardening of the arteries (i.e., arteriosclerosis / atherosclerosis)

Who could have forgotten how lifestyle through the physical mechanism of epigenetics trumps your family history? In short, epigenetics offers the clearest explanation as to why working on your lifestyle actually works, and is worth the effort.

Of course, in 2011 we previously determined that vitamin D supplementation helps to prevent just about every lifestyle and chronic disease imaginable.

Along the way in 2012, we implemented a major makeover of our natural health home page. In addition, a Web Site Help article was developed that points out what the public needs to know about the layout of the Natural Health Perspective.

A number of major new topic areas were started; with natural weight loss and the role, that sugar plays in weight gain, probably being the most important. Other topics covered for the first time were treating specific health conditions, natural health scams, and natural juicing.

Last year wrapped up with a landmark research study that most people probably completely missed due to the holidays. All the other health sites either completely ignore this study, or incorrectly commented only about its epigenetic implications. In how you can protect yourself from cancer we covered how selenium had risen from being just a vitamin D cofactor to an independent risk factor for cancer, and how the folic acid controversy adversely affects the older adult. Furthermore, we concluded during the course of the entire year that exercise has a suppressive effect upon cancer because any type of movement improves the circulation and thus the effectiveness of your immune system. Conversely, sitting around all day on your butt (2011), due to a lack of movement, stagnates your immune system, thereby, increasing your risk for getting cancer.


In conclusion, while the perception may be that nothing-happened last year on the Natural Health Perspective; the reality is that a health revolution took place. Just about every major health question was definitively answered. Were you paying attention?

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