Whole-grain fiber fights colon cancer Whole-Grain Fiber Protects Against Colon Cancer

Whole-Grain Fiber Protects Against Colon Cancer

"Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide, with 1.2 million new cases annually."[2]

Consuming whole-grains was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

Supplementing with vitamin D is effective against colon cancer because it can result in a 75–80% risk reduction for serum 25(OH) D levels between 67.5–102.5 nmol/L[1]. Nevertheless, even with sufficient levels of vitamin D there is still some risk. Thus, following other lifestyle factors such as eating a healthy whole food diet and getting regular physical exercise are still advisable.

Yet, another research study has shown that a high-fiber diet is effective against colon cancer.[2]

"Our results indicate a 10% reduction in risk of colorectal cancer for each 10 g/day intake of total dietary fibre and cereal fibre and about a 20% reduction for each three servings (90 g/day) of whole grain daily, and further reductions with higher intake."[2]

Surprisingly, fiber in legumes and vegetables were found NOT to be protective against colon cancer. Nor, was fruit fiber. Just about the only thing that the fiber in an orange, for example, is going to protect you against is its fructose content.

Cooking with Whole-Grains Quinoa

The big three sources of whole-grain fiber are oats (as in old fashion oatmeal), brown rice, and whole-wheat (as in bread). Grocery stores, like Walmart, are even selling spaghetti and pasta made with whole-wheat. As little as two slices of whole-wheat bread has been shown in another research study to offer a health benefit.[3] If you make your own tasty homemade bread it will be very hard to limit yourself to just two slices.

Unfortunately, a lot of misinformation is still being circulated about whole-grains causing food allergies, even though their health benefits has been documented with tons of research studies on the Natural Health Perspective.

Many advances have been made in genetics. Scientists now know, for example, that humans adapted to drinking milk (i.e., lactase persistence) in Europe in as little as 3,000 years.

"Lactase persistence (LP) is common among people of European ancestry, but with the exception of some African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian groups, is rare or absent elsewhere in the world. ... we infer that the--13,910*T allele first underwent selection among dairying farmers around 7,500 years ago in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe."[4]

Not only did it happen, but also it developed separately in at least three different genetic groups and it involved changes in different genes for each group. Furthermore, parents today thanks to the science of epigenetics have been shown to pass their DNA to their children that has been reprogrammed by their diet and healthy lifestyles. Any speculation that 10,000 years is insufficient for humans to have adapted to eating whole-grains is simply wrong, out of date, and misguided information.

Furthermore, if you have any doubts whatsoever you can take a blood test for specific food allergies, such as gluten in wheat, for as little as $16.00 that will definitively answer the question for you.

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Whole-Grain Fiber Protects Against Colon Cancer Comments:


  1. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and colon cancer: eight-year prospective study.
    Garland CF, Comstock GW, Garland FC,...
    Lancet. 1989 Nov 18;2(8673):1176-8.
    PMID: 2572900
  2. Dietary fibre, whole grains, and risk of colorectal cancer: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. [Full Text Online]
    Aune D, Chan DS, Lau R, ...
    BMJ. 2011 Nov 10;343:d6617. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6617. Review.
    PMID: 22074852
  3. Cereal, fruit, and vegetable fiber intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals. [Full Text Online]
    Mozaffarian D, Kumanyika SK, Lemaitre RN, ...
    JAMA. 2003 Apr 2;289(13):1659-66.
    PMID: 12672734
  4. The origins of lactase persistence in Europe.
    Itan Y, Powell A, Beaumont MA, Burger J, Thomas MG.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2009 Aug;5(8):e1000491. Epub 2009 Aug 28.
    PMID: 19714206

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