Natural Web Design
SEO Tips & Tricks: They Don't Want You to Know About

Online Security

Many computer owners are remarkably naive about the security of their computers while surfing the Web.

Password Protect Your Computer

First of all, just how secure is your computer? Who has physical access to it? Since many programs automatically save passwords that are used on the Web, you should have password protected your computer by using a password protected User ID. That way no unauthorized user can access your passwords merely by turning on your computer. Unless you live at home by yourself, you definitely should be signing into your User ID every time you turn on your computer.

Basic Online Computer Security

The next thing that you should be aware of is that nobody on the Web knows that you exist, unless you tell them. Therefore, any emails that you receive from anonymous sources are never from people who know who you are. These anonymous emails are always bad news for computer security. And, are called Spam. The same goes for screens or windows that are popping up all over your computer screen. How could they possibly know who you are? They are always a total scam just waiting for a naive computer user to click on them.

  1. Do not ever open up an email unless you either recognize the sender or the subject line.
  2. Never ever click on an anonymous pop-up window.

These are the most basic online security fundamentals that you should be following when surfing the web. No this is not your lucky day. Nor, did you just win a free prize. These unsolicited offers are just waiting for the next sucker to click on them.

Personal Information

Never give out personal information to anyone, unless you know exactly who you are dealing with. This means your passwords, social security number, account numbers, date of birth, bank account, or credit card numbers. Ideally you should never store personal information on Web sites, such as credit card numbers, when ordering products over the Internet. Personal information stored on Web sites are constantly being hacked into and stolen from Web businesses all the time.

Common Dangers of Surfing the Web

The most common ways computers become can become infected while on the Web are from:

Probably the most dangerous thing that you can do is download an unsolicited file from a pop-up window advertisement or to open up a file attachment to a Spam email.





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