Natural Organic Search Engine Optimization
What exactly does natural organic search engine optimization actually mean? And, does it even matter? If you do not know where you are going, then how in the world do you expect to ever get there: SEO wise?
Some say that natural organic search engine optimization simply means ranking well in the SERPs without actually having to pay for it with pay-per-click (PPC) traffic. In other words, anybody too cheap to pay for hits to their Web site is by definition performing natural organic search engine optimization on their site.
It is about the Journey, Stupid!
John H. Gohde on his SEO blog proudly says that that position is total nonsense.Natural health has always been about the journey, rather than the destination. And, it is about time that the hordes of people calling themselves natural organic SEOs finally figured it out.
Natural organic search engine optimization is about the unique methodologies of natural organic SEO used to achieve their targeted ranking in the SERPs.
White-Hat versus Black-Hat SEO
White-Hat SEO takes a content-based approach to SEO, and plays nice with the search engines. While Black-Hat SEO is about SEOs employing gimmicks to achieve their SEO objectives. Furthermore, Black-Hat SEOs never play nice.
Natural organic search engine optimization basically describes White-Hat SEO. While Black-Hat search engine optimization equates to artificial SEO. White-Hat optimization builds Web sites upon a solid foundation designed to last a long time. While Black-Hat optimization quickly puts together throw away Web sites, designed for the immediate payoff.
Natural Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Content vs. Gimmicks
Natural organic search engine optimization focuses on the effective presentation of text content. It always embraces real content development because finding your site in the SERPs is only half the battle. Searchers who find your site must, also, be satisfied with the content that you are offering.
Artificial SEO embraces a HTML gimmicky philosophy, that never alters site content because this type of search engine optimization largely depends upon programming gimmicks that are designed to dupe the brain dead algorithms of search engines into ranking their Web sites higher in the SERPs.
Some of the more popular artificial SEO gimmicks include cloaking, sneaky redirects, multiple sites, keyword stuffing, hidden links, and numerous others programming tricks that are automatically deployed by computers. While natural organic search engine optimization is about engaging in time consuming customized and individualized optimization of webpages that are done one at a time.