Natural Web Design
SEO Tips & Tricks: They Don't Want You to Know About

The Importance of PageRank is Overrated

The importance of PageRank (ie, page rank) is certainly one of the big SEO myths going around search engine optimization circles. In SEO work, design is what counts rather than PageRank.

SEO is about taking what you got and tweaking it so that your page will rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your targeted keywords.

PageRank, as a given of any webpage, is totally fix and unchangeable at the start of all SEO work. Therefore, PageRank (ie, page rank) has absolutely nothing to do with obtaining good search engine optimization results. If something is not under your immediate control, then it is positively is not a part of SEO.

Furthermore, you can create a brand new webpage on a brand new Web site that can outperformed an established Web site in the SERPs on any given keyword, provided that you know what you are doing. And, if that new Web site happens to be a blog you can acutally dominate the SERPs within minutes of publishing your post.

PageRank (ie, page rank) only really comes into play for very competitive keywords where all the Web sites competing for a given keyword have actually done a good job in the SEO department. For the vast majority of keywords, that is rarely the case.

Do not let whining about your PageRank be an excuse for your Web site not ranking well in the SERPs. Figure out how to outperform your competitors in the SEO department, and you will never again waste your time worrying about PageRank and obtaining backwards links.





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