Natural Web Design
SEO Tips & Tricks: They Don't Want You to Know About

Guarding Against Bots

Comment spam is really not the problem. Spam is only a visual symptom of a much bigger problem. Protect your blog from the bots that freely roam the Internet. And, your comment spam problem will automatically be under control.

John H. Gohde asks: Are you in control of the Spiders, Crawlers, and Bots that are constantly trying to crawl your blog? Or, are you letting the bots take control? A big part of WordPress blog security is about installing plugins that block bots from accessing your blog.


Protect Your Blog From Bots

Automatically preventing bots from taking control of your blog requires the use of plugins. The interesting thing about plugins that attempt to control the bot problem is that they generally do not conflict with each other. Hence, you could literally install dozens of redundant plugins without generating a server error. And, simply let them fight it out for control. But, such an approach is rather silly.

Anytime that you are considering adding an additional bot control plugin, you should always be asking the following questions.


And Gain Control Over Comment Spam

In general, do not use any plugin that keeps you in the dark. Or, does not allow you to customize it. You should be installing plugins that monitor areas that are subject to attacks from bots.





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