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First Line of Defense Against Comment Spam

Typically most of the comments posted on blogs are from comment spam. The biggest problem, of course, comes from the automatic submission of comments from spammers seeking links in order to build their status in Google.

There is no mistake about it, being attacked with waves of spam comments is in reality all about Web site security. As a minimum, all commenters should have their first comment moderated. On blogs, where comments are a major problem commenters should be required to register before being allowed to comment.

We can all thank Google for creating the reason for being for comment spam. Spammers are not interested in your blog. They are only interested in acquiring links that will benefit them in Google. While Google puts on a good show for being all appalled at the sudden rise of comment spam, they themselves could literally put an end to comment spam overnight.

While everyone is waiting for Google to wise up to the problem that they themselves have created, the first line of defense against comment spam for WordPress blogs is the installation of the Akismet plugin. Akismet offers a transparent solution to comment spam that is quite effective.





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