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2.7 Mainly Benefits Free Blogs

WordPress’ latest release: version 2.7 mainly benefits free blogs on WordPress.Org. WordPress.Org officially got it at least one week ahead of everybody else. Free WordPress bloggers cannot add plugins to their blog.WordPress blogs being hosted at their own expense should examine the real motives of the WordPress developers: Allowing Free Bloggers to get the benefits of popular plugins, provided they have a potential for lowering bandwidth.


WordPress 2.7 Mainly Benefits WordPress . Org

The navigation menu structure being placed in the left column allows the free bloggers to save some keystrokes or time, but more importantly lowers the bandwidth of WordPress.Org servers. Windows XP, for example, allows users to elect where they want their Windows Taskbar to appear: Top, Bottom, Left, or Right. Does WordPress allow bloggers to decide where they want their admin navigation menu to appear? No. Was left the right choice? Not for John. Personally, he prefers his Windows Taskbar to appear on the bottom of the page. Definitely NOT on the left.

John H. Gohde asks: Is the new admin navigation system sticky the way it is in Windows? That is a big no! Have the real WordPress bloggers considered that they just might be getting the shaft from WordPress?

John H. Gohde predicts that the main benefits for free bloggers will come from only a handful of the GUI features of 2.7: Quick & Batch Edit of Posts and Pages. Placing both categories and tags in the right margin of the create new post / page screen is a slight benefit that others have achieved with a plugin.

By Lowering the Bandwidth Used by Free WordPress Blogs

QuickPress actually benefiting bloggers? Heck no! QuickPress mainly benefits WordPress by lowering the bandwith being used by free blogs on WordPress.Org. Funny why free bloggers wont be benefiting from the threaded comments and paging comments features of 2.7? Not really. That would required that WordPress edit the approximately 70 themes available for free bloggers to chose from. And, the developers are simply too lazy to do that.

Why the need to constantly stir thing up in WordPress by making major changes to the GUI? Despite their public comments, the developers just like department stores love to move everything thing around in order to attract new free bloggers. WordPress is trying to give an old horse new life by giving it a new look in order to attract more free bloggers.

Who was able to figure out WordPress’ little GUI scheme? John H. Gohde was able to. That is who.





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