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Subpage Navigation Plugin

The first plugin released by John H. Gohde serves a duo-purpose. First, it is a fully working Subpage Listing plugin that generates a list of subpages for the page being viewed. Second, it is a tutorial or demo designed for novices desiring to learn how to write a simple plugin.


Subpage Navigation Plugin Main Features


  1. A fully working List Subpages Plugin for bloggers.
  2. Learn how to write a Simple plugin that works with Parameter Passing.


List Subpages Plugin


This WordPress plugin generates a list of subpages for the page being viewed. It provides a navigation system for maneuvering through a hierarchical maze of nested pages.

Targeted Audience

Most WordPress blogs use only a handful of pages. Therefore, the List Subpages plugin would interest bloggers offering more than the average number of pages. And, those thinking about running a Content Management System (CMS) would be interested in this type of a plugin. The more pages that you have on your blog, the more likely that you are to benefit by adding the subpage navigation system being offered by this plugin


Usage of this plugin requires you make some minor changes to your theme by adding the following coding tag.

If you want a list of subpages to appear at the bottom of all your pages, then you simply have to add the following tag to the Page (page.php) Template in your theme. Optionally, you could, also, add the code to one of your Sidebar (sidebar.php, leftsidebar.php, or perhaps sidebar2.php) templates.

There is nothing to worry about. The plugin options are already setup to cover most situations correctly. The best feature of this plugin is that it is intelligent and wont display anything if there are no subpages.

List Subpages Tag

Default Argument Usage

// Set defaults for plugin options  $Before-Label = '  

Subpages for '; $After-Label = '

'; $before = ' '; $depth = 2; $exclude = '';

By default, the usage shows:


Here, are examples of how you can change a few of the default options of this plugin.


Detailed instructions on how to customize you theme templates with John’ List Subpages plugin are available in his post covering the release of the first version of this plugin.

List Subpages Plugin Competition

There are several other plugins being circulated that offer similar features that are being offered by this plugin. The strengths of John’s List Subpages Plugin are its intelligence and its small size and brevity of coding.

Quite frankly, the other plugins don’t make a heck of a lot of sense. Most of them actually expect bloggers to individually add their coding tag virtually to everyone of their pages. Think about it. If you have 100 pages on your blog, you would have to make 100 edits with those other plugins. John’s plugin however requires only one edit to your page template.

Further, while complex coding might once have been required to implement a listing of subpages, that is certainly no longer true today. In fact, the required coding is so simple that it could be directly implemented in a theme without a plugin at all.

John’s List Subpages Plugin is actually offering one feature that is not available in most of the other plugins: Intelligence.

An optional subpage section header that displays only when one or more subpages exists.

Working Demo of List Subpages Plugin

John’s blog is a working demo of his List Subpages plugin that has over 90 different pages which use several different hierarchical depths.



Simple Plugin with Parameter Passing

Simple plugins allow bloggers to customize their themes. They never automatically work. A simple plugin requires bloggers to insert special coding into their themes before they receive any benefit from the plugin.



List Subpages Plugin Version History





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