Natural Web Design
SEO Tips & Tricks: They Don't Want You to Know About

John H. Gohde’s SEO Mission

Far too many SEOs treat search engine optimization, like Karate was once treated a hundred years ago. They act like they are members of a secrete society who have pledged under a penalty of death to keep all of their SEO secretes, quite frankly secrete.

SEO Tips & Tricks

They Don’t Want You to Know About

It is John H. Gohde’s mission to run a search engine optimization(SEO) blog offering natural organic solutions both to Web development and good placement in the Google search engine. That offers a large searchable information resource on search engine optimization that comes complete with one of the largest collections of links to other SEO sites on the web.

Scientific Search Engine Optimization

Natural Web DesignIt is John H. Gohde’s mission to present one of the very first Web sites on Scientific Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While the other SEO sites will waste your time on their Gremlin view of Google and their superstitious babble, this site puts John’s skills in scientific health research to very good use. Above all else, the SEO advice offered by John H. Gohde always avoid humanizings problems with Google.The approach taken is that webmasters are doing battle with the Google’s algorithmsand datacenters, rather than with a Gremlin trying to play games with them.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Rules of Thumb

John’s approach to search engine optimization (SEO) is to offer satisfactory solutions that utilize rational and simple rules of thumb. Mr. Gohde’s Google heuristics are good enough to get the job done and work well under most circumstances.





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